Journal 8: Interaction of applications and Reflections on interactive prototype 1

1. In Class Exercise
1.1 Digital game 
    For the game Tetris, one of the interactions is controlling the rotation and movement of a shape. When the color of shapes are the same, these shapes will be eliminated. The more shapes eliminated, the higher scores player obtained. 

     The traditional interactions of Tetris is game handler or game consoles. 

   The interacted objects are remote sensing and W/A/S/D button for controlling the direction of shares. 

    If player play this game on the computer, Up/Down/Left/Right arrows can afford an alternative interaction method to rotate the direction of shapes.

(1). Using steering wheel to control and rotate the direction of shape. Turn it left, the shape will rotate to left. Turn it right, the shape will rotate to right.
(2). A kind special puzzle can be used to simulate the Tetris. If these pieces of puzzle have the same color, the players can remove them physically to eliminate the Tetris on screen.
(3). Players can rotate their body on the dancing mat to handle the rotation of shapes. The shape will rotate with the players' rotation. When players stand on the dancing mat statically, the shape will not rotate.

1.2 Communication Platform/Channel: 
    Slack is a useful tool for Group project. The interaction of slack is that users can pose and share interesting information within the group. They also can chat with their group. For example, They can discuss about some common interested topic and exchange different ideas with it. Large-scale tool integration and file integration are other interactive functions, group member can use these two functions to edit their group word, which is efficient.

    The traditional interactions of Slack is computer, pad and mobile phone. User can enter its website, App and interface to interact with it. 

    If people use Slack on computer, keyboard and mouse will be the physical interaction. The screen displays the information. If people do not want to type something, they can just watch information on it. 

    The alternative interaction can be the virtual keyboard on pad and mobile phone.

(1). People can design a special remote controller. On this remote controller, people can press buttons to select the function they wanted. For example, if people press PLAY button, it will play the video on Slack.
(2). Touchable screen is other option for physical input. People can click on it to select the function they needed. It is like using pad.
(3). An special analog can be design to manipulate the interface of Slack. It is like a glove. People can wear it and simulate some actions. For example, they can do "catching action" and the file will be selected. Then, they can hold it to move the file to other position or grab it into other folder. They can do "throwing action", the file will go to recycle bin.

1.3 Common Software:
    Document softwares are normally used to handle some of the daily tasks. They are used to record some information. people often use Microsoft word or Google Drive to writing some paragraphs and save them. This is a simple human-computer interaction. 

     People type words into Microsoft word or Google Drive via the tradition keyboard. 

    When people knock the corresponding letters on the keyboard, Word or Google Drive will display the  words on the document. People also can use mouse to click the menu. then selecting extra functions, like inserting the picture etc.

     The alternative interaction is virtual keyboard on pad and mobile phone or external keyboard.

(1). People can use an electronic pen to write words on the tablet. The tablet is connect with the computer and it will transfer written words to Microsoft word or Google Drive.
(2). People also can use laser pointer print something on the projection screen. Then, screen transfer these digital sketch to Microsoft word or Google Drive.
(3). People can write paragraph on a piece for paper. Then, using a scanner to transfer words to  Microsoft word or Google Drive.

2. Prototype Process
2.1 The testing approach
   The testing approach is divided into three parts, including playing games, exchanging ideas, completing the questionnaire respectively.

   First of all, I want testers to play and interact with this game prototype. It is because after experiencing and interacting with the game, players can have a more intuitive feeling and then give more accurate suggestions. During they were playing this game, I asked them to finish some simple task such as using ladder to go other layers, attacking the red snake, and touching the blue snake to see what will happen. I think these tasks can help them better understand my game concept. Also it lets them acquire a more complete understanding of the game itself. If player get confuse of the task, I would lead them to finish it. In the same time, I would ask them why they feel this task is annoying and give me some advice to improve that.

    Secondly, I kept a conversation with testers to find problems in my prototype or know which aspect they prefer. The benefit of such interview is that I can exchange more ideas because different players have different opinions. According to their views, I can ask questions from different perspectives.

  After finishing the task, tester needed to complete the survey. Filling out the questionnaire is a helpful way to record their feedback. The reason I chose the questionnaire was that some questions written might not be considered by testers. I want to them to re-think those aspects.

2.2 Evaluation Outcome & Reflection
   This week I will evaluate the feedback of the testing, including game approach setting, movement controller accessibility, and user experience. Then, I will decide which aspects I needed to improved in next prototype sections.

2.2.1 Game approach setting
Most of the players think the blue snake is very interesting, but some people feel that green snake is annoying. Therefore I will the buff / effect of green snake. If the character touches the green one, it will ask some question question that just guessing A or B. For example, the questions will be about math or chemistry, like "What is the answer of 9 + 20? A. 29 B.30". To answer these questions, they players need some master skills, such as knowledge of quick calculation. It might be more fun and challenge.

71.4% of players think that the character should keep the same Hp, so I would not change Hp of the character.

Many people think the character needs to have higher damage, occupying 57.1%. I will adjust the attack power. Although it will reduce the difficulty of the game, it improves the playability. The reason is player enjoy the feeling of attack snakes. Higher damage may enhance their pleasure in the game.

There are 100% of people think the health of snake should keep it the same. Thus I will definitely not change the value of it. There are 57.1% of people think the damage of snakes should keep the same and 28.6% of people claims that the attack power needs to be higher. I might increase the damage of enemies slightly. Also, increasing the damage of snakes can rise pacing for challenge.

According to the feedback, adding scores, Hp medicine and more levels ranked the first three positions in users’ expectation. I try to add these top three functions into my following prototype.

Developing these features and game elements can increase the diversity of the game, causing give players more freshness.

2.2.2 Movement and controlling
In these there pie chats, the majority of technical inputs that speed of character, snake and moveable ground are moderate, therefore, the testing result is good and I would not change the speed of these game elements.

All testers regard that it is necessary to limit the number of consecutive jumps. Moreover, 28.6% are not very comfortable with the controller just because of the consecutive jumps. I will continue to optimize the controller, and limit the character’s jump motion. I need to make sure the character only can jump four times, rather than jump infinitely.

These recommendations are very important and useful. I will improve these parts because I will test physical controller in my next prototype. I hope my physical controller can connect with the game interface effectively.

2.2.3 User Experience
42.9% of tester reported that the difficulty is OK, but 57.1% think it can be much more hard. I will increase the difficulty in remaining prototype. In order to do that, more snakes with higher attack power, larger map, stronger boss will be used. I will also set different levels. For instance, if the player pass the level 1, he will go to level 2 which is more hard and so on. The play may need more time to pass the whole levels and then the durability and lifetime is improved.

There are two main problems in this prototype which need to be overcome, become some test are not satisfied with that. Firstly, the whole map is not clear for player. I will add a small cinema to help player to watch the whole map. Secondly, players are not sure how much health the snake left. I will use a health bar to tell how much health the snake had. I hope these changes can offer a better experience to users.

    Overall, testers like this game with different reasons. The prototype you created was sufficient to test what I wanted to test. I got the enough feedback and many players like this game. For these drawbacks, they also give many helpful advices.



Journal 12: Wrap Up and Refinement of interactive prototype 3

Journal 11: Reflections on interactive prototype 2