Journal 12: Wrap Up and Refinement of interactive prototype 3

1. In Class Exercise
    Looking back at my response to exercise 1 and prototyping process.  This journal will reflect on how your opinion changed during the course.

    In  my previous opinion, prototyping is a method to simulate the actual project in order to test and improve it. It is almost right. I used to think that using prototype is easily to test and improve the project. However, I find that it is not easy to change. The most obvious reason is that the we should  evaluate feedbacks and think about it very carefully before we decide to change some aspects. Sometimes, these improvements we made might not be accepted by users. In this case, I have to reconsider about my ideas and change my plan repeatedly until most of testers like my changes. 

   I thought prototyping are used to enhance customers' experience, but it is not always true. The reason is that users not always sure about which products they want to use or they like. Usually, people just use the product and tell you whether they like or dislike without a clear reason. Therefore,  I need to guess why they like or dislike the project. For example, my prototype is a game mashup. When testers are playing my game, they will find some issues about the game. They would not tell what exact problems are,  so I need figure it out by myself.

    Before taking this course, I also thought that prototype is just design or create something and then give it to people for testing. But it is completely different. Before the testing section, we should think about which parts you want to test. For example, it is necessary to consider about the test from, approach and the outcomes you expected to required. If you do not think clearly, you can get useful feedbacks of your prototype. For instance, if I want to test the controller of my game, and I ask the users what do think about the game. It is not a question. Firstly, it is not relevant to your testing purpose. Secondly, This question is too general.

    In sum, I acquired many knowledge and skills about digital prototype, such as what types of prototypes have, how to interact with prototype, which questions is good to ask during experience prototyping. Also, this course changes my mine about what exactly the prototype is.

2. Prototype Process
    This week I will completed my graphic design and coding of my next interactive prototype.

     2.1 Graphic design
     I want to some new props into my game as game elements, such as weapon and blood bag. I use Photoshop to paint these images.

    I also want change my game model from computer game to phone game. Thus , I need to design a mobile phone interface for my game.

     2.2 Programming on my game
     Firstly, I want to make each props have different function. As for weapon, if my game character  pick up the weapon, his power will increase 20 points. It means when the character use weapon to attack the enemy, the enemy will take higher damage. For the blood bag, if the character take it, his Hp will increase 20 points.

   Secondly, I will to change my game from single level game to multiple levels game (2 levels). I create a scene by Unity called "test 2".

    My new concept is that if the character kill the boss in level, he will turn to level automatically. Technically, if the health of boss equal 0  to and died, Unity will shift to the next scene. In order to achieve that I search some code simple on internet and then finishing my program of this function.



Journal 8: Interaction of applications and Reflections on interactive prototype 1

Journal 11: Reflections on interactive prototype 2