Journal 1: What is prototype for me?

1. In Class Exercise  
  This journal will talk about what is prototyping and when do I need to use it.
  In my opinion, prototyping is a method to simulate the actual project in order to test and improve it. Using prototype has many benefits. Firstly, it is easily to test and chance. If the prototyping has some problems, these can be fixed or improved efficiently. For example, low fidelity prototype can be altered  conveniently and offer a basic idea of usage to clients. It can be change partially and then avoid to rebuild the whole project when issues exist. Secondly,  prototyping are used to enhance customers' experience. Using high fidelity prototype with sufficient details can provide a visualized experience for users. Thus, feedback could be got which is helpful for develop the project further.
 Prototype has different forms. One is paper prototype. It is easy to make but the it may not unsophisticated. Other one is digital prototype. To make this one, it needs computing skills and ability of using prototype software. Also, the methods prototype making and good design thinking are required.
  Prototyping plays an important role in my degree which means that it offers a good way to test and review my design project.   I usually make prototype when I start to create a final project for testing and improving. For example, I have created a paper prototype for my DECO1400 course. It is a model of my webpage. It simulate the preference and response when people click on the paper prototype. I figure out that this prototype can solve some problems in my design. When users click some buttons, there are no following pages. So I can fix that. In addition, I find sometimes users cannot find the page they want. Next, I improved my navigation system.  

    I also created an physical  installation prototype in DECO1100 course with my team member. It was installed in UQ campus. It aims to get reflective feedback by observation users' reaction  and record their behavior. After  collecting users' details, my team had many new ideas about our project.



Journal 12: Wrap Up and Refinement of interactive prototype 3

Journal 8: Interaction of applications and Reflections on interactive prototype 1

Journal 11: Reflections on interactive prototype 2